Infornicle is an internet media company that brings creativity and culture together on a single platform.
Infornicle was founded by two friends in 2014 as a platform for creatives to showcase their creations and stories. We cover a wide variety of interesting subjects to keep our readers engaged with the numerous perspectives and facets. We also take submissions of informative content which will be published on the site. To submit your blogs/articles/stories etc. Visit our contact us page.
What is Infornicle?
It’s a portmanteau of information chronicle. Here you will find conventional and unconventional information, and the best part is you can contribute some and find it published.
What gets published on Infornicle?
Unique and genuine content will be published. Your contributions will be taken up to the editing team before being posted.
How do I contact the infornicle team?
Visit the contact us page. Also reach us on our social media sites. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter , Instagram.