After superman sacrifices himself in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. Batman takes all upon himself to find other superheroes and he teams up with Wonderwoman, The Flash, Aquaman and…
In The End, It Does Matter
He may have sung ‘In the end, it doesn’t even matter’, but it did matter for Chris Bennington. NATIONAL During this past week the election for the Indian President was…
Thor:Ragnarok the new trailer is out!!
Are you ready for more Thor? The first trailer for Thor:Ragnarok is something you would never forget, the second trailer debuted at Comic Con this saturday. The trailer makes it…
20 Signs That You Have Issues With Authority
No one wants being dictated in life in terms of dos and don’ts, right? But this situation can be avoided only to a certain extent, mostly on the personal front.…
Why You So Lazy?
Indians among the laziest people, says a study. Can’t deny the truth. We are so lazy, all we want to do is hit a few keys on the computer to…
Crazy Things Women Do at an All Girls Night Out
Girls night out or ladies’ night out is one of the most sought after event for any girl. There goes a lot of planning in terms of deciding the venue,…
It’s An I For An I World Now
North Korea launched a test missile at US. Wuuuuuut!!!! You messed with the wrong people, Mate! INTERNATIONAL -So last week China launched Long March 5 rocket. But after a successful take off…
7 Ways to Eliminate the Mental Block That Has Been Stopping You From Traveling Solo
Are you one of those travellers who loves to travel but the very thought of traveling solo makes you delay your trip?…. If yes, then here are 7 ways which…
Can We Go Back In Time? GST Is Here To Stay
GST making headlines all over India. It’s been implemented finally amid much speculation. INTERNATIONAL What did India and US talk about after meeting? Stop radical Islamic groups and Pak from…
Jumanji – Welcome to the jungle
The movie that all of us watched in our childhood is back, only difference now is that the board game is replaced by a video game. What makes the trailer…