In The End, It Does Matter

He may have sung ‘In the end, it doesn’t even matter’, but it did matter for Chris Bennington. NATIONAL During this past week the election for the Indian President was…
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Why you so lazy? Indians among the laziest people, says a study. Can't deny the truth. We are so lazy, all we want to do is hit a few keys on the computer to stay afloat.

Why You So Lazy?

Indians among the laziest people, says a study. Can’t deny the truth. We are so lazy, all we want to do is hit a few keys on the computer to…
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N koreas missile threat THE NEWSCRAPER-1 3rd july

It’s An I For An I World Now

North Korea launched a test missile at US. Wuuuuuut!!!! You messed with the wrong people, Mate! INTERNATIONAL -So last week China launched  Long March 5 rocket. But after a successful take off…
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