Weight loss problems let me tell you, is a tricky one. It is rather a frustrating and daunting issue. According to a survey by National Health and Nutrition, 2 out…
Google Keep for Windows
Do you see a writer in you? Or you want to keep a tab on your schedules and your presentations? Or you just want to quickly jot down a to-do…
15 Reasons Why Once You’ve Lived In Bangalore You Will Not Like Another City
1. After being accustomed to people in bangalore, you will find all other cities extremely hostile. Image: vegalleries 2. The panoramic views of bangalore city after the Rains. Image:…
How To Get Smart With Shopping Online
Yesterday, while I was browsing through my Facebook page, I came across an ad for shoes. Pumps, Sandals, Boots, Flats, Ballerinas, Wedges… You name it and they were all on…
Akash Sagar
“Poets are creatively shameless creatures. They tend to get pleased, when a reader enjoys and applauds the poets personal sattire.”
Pluto is Back!
Come on scientists! Give us a break! First you eliminate dear Pluto from our solar system and now you bring it back into the Solar System. If I were Pluto,…
Quest for True Love
“You better work Tish, now get to work.” Singing along with Britney’s track, which was her favorite motivator, Tish was sweating it out during a cardio session after returning from…
Tips and tricks to excel in corporate
It’s an every corporate professional’s dream to excel at office and get noticed for the contributions we make. Little do we realize that our behavior matters equally as much as…
Internet of Things influencing day-to-day lives
Internet of Things influencing day-to-day lives Our planet is turning into an electronically controlled ball of energy. There is a lot of hype over Internet of Things (IoT) in…