Been in Namma Bengaluru for a while and ever wondered whats the authentic food of this amazing city? Do check this video out
HBO unveiled a sneak peak of Game of Thrones: Conquest & Rebellion which tells us about the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms By Aegon Targaryen’s conquest of the Seven Kingdoms…
If you have passed out of your college or have started working, some occasions make you think, “may be, I finally did grow up!” These are those occasions… 1. Becoming…
This is a three part series of a futuristic dystopian world, where everything is public. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. …..CONTD from PART 1 I’m back finally. Gosh! Yet again, it was…
This is a three part series of a futuristic dystopian world, where everything is public. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. It’s been a while since I have enjoyed writing in privacy like today. It’s…
Even the worst of artists like me would impulsively sketch out the quintessential ‘scenery’ drawing, when asked to draw something. I think that visual of a clear blue sea, with… The world needs The Flash. Season 4 premieres October 10 at 8/7c on The CW. Who is Supergirl without Kara Danvers? Season 3 premieres October 9 at 8/7c…
After superman sacrifices himself in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. Batman takes all upon himself to find other superheroes and he teams up with Wonderwoman, The Flash, Aquaman and…