Japanese photographer hotkenobi has a unique way of clicking pics of his action figures and bringing them back to life. Here are few of his amazing clicks. More of his…
Amusing Ways How Our Definition of Love Changes With Age
Ever wondered how your love and affection towards the opposite sex has undergone changes over the past. I’m sure the feelings have not been constant. Definition of love changes. It’s rather…
11 Personalised Gift Ideas For Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is near and you know how brain numbing it can be to find that perfect personalised valentine’s gift for your loved one. Especially if you are a girl ..…
The platelets, plasma and hemoglobin that churn, With the petal folds of my heart to blossom a red rose, Making their own music of a gush that I discern, Thudding…
11 Most Bizarre Life Hacks You Never Knew Existed
Since life hacks are so popular, we thought of adding some of our own. Tell us what you think and how many are you actually willing to try. 1 –…
An Old Monk
A bud is plucked before could bloom, Friendly four corners snore of this room; What lives when that dies in whom, Leftover moist ashes of last monsoon. How whole about…
Why Stephanie Ann Married a Rich Guy? A Relatable Tale..
‘It’s impossible’, Stephanie thought. ‘How can I ever outdo the ‘know it all guy’ who does everything better than me.’ She glared at the man- her opponent, colleague, comrade, as he…
7 Places You Must Definitely Not Miss While In Bangalore
If you are in New in Bangalore and in your early 20s, I can say you are pretty much bored & confused about your life. College is just over and you…
Power Rangers 2017
Five ordinary teens become something extraordinary. They become the Power Rangers