Painters have always had a challenge in creating their niche and carving their names into an imperishable eternity. Among budding painters in Bangalore, Ketaki Bali has created her niche and carved herself a name. In March 2012, her grand solo art exhibition at chitrakala parishath, was a huge success. Recently she held an art carnival at Claytopia, Koramangala which was a splendid experience. Want to know more about this independent woman? Have a glimpse at what she has to say and at her paintings.

1. How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintingsI don’t consider myself just an artist, I am a girl with passion towards the art and a desire to impart the vast knowledge to those who share the passion.
I was born in Delhi, raised in Bangalore and will be turning 24 soon. I have lived here for about 13 years now.
I consider myself as an Art Educator and an Inspiration to young minds.

2. What was your choice of career as a child and what are your educational qualifications?

As a child, I was into drawing random doodles and painting on the walls of my house. I would always end up confusing myself into choosing different careers and realized that, this is what helps me express myself better, as I am a bit of an introvert. I would be delighted to be an inspiration for people from all walks of life.
I have done my Bachelors in Psychology and Masters in International Education. I do not hold any foundational or specialization degree in Art.

3. How did you decide to become an artist?

I call myself as an Art Educator and not just an artist. Becoming an artist was an unplanned journey. I was mainly into education and wanted to combine my pedagogical skills with my creative skills.

When I see a canvas, I don’t plan out my paintings; I do not have any particular ideas in mind of what I am going to paint next. It just naturally blends in, and magically makes its way onto the canvas.

4. Do you have a favourite among your paintings? How is this different from your other projects?


Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintingsYes, I do have a favourite. This one’s a totally unique idea that I came across a few years ago, while I was still experimenting and exploring other techniques.
I love painting trees, using a drinking straw and drawing ink. Well, it sure is my signature work.

5. Do your works have a message? Explain any painting of yours in your own words.

Well, majority of my paintings do not have a beginning or an end. I would say that, my paintings reflect the kind of person I am, and each painting reveals a mystery within itself. When you see any of my paintings, you may wonder ‘What does it mean’? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknown.

6. How did you learn art and when did you start your art career?

Well that’s a good question. I have never undergone any training by a professional.

7. How long does it usually take you to complete a painting; from the first brush stroke until the last?

Usually it takes about an hour or two to complete one painting, depending upon the size as well.

8. Is there a common theme for all your art work?

Abstract Trees and they look very striking.

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings

9. Selling art is not an easy task. How do you promote your work and market yourself?

True. Selling art is quite a task. In fact, there have been times when I have had zero sales, even though the prices were shot down, to meet the expectations of the art lovers in Bangalore. But, having zero sales gives me more confidence to market my work elsewhere and not just give up half way.
Well, I promote my work all on my own, by contacting cafes or people associated with art in a variety of ways. I too create groups and events on social networking sites to get more responses.

10. Name a few artists who have managed to inspire you?

None. I prefer being unique and bring about my own originality than imitating another artist.

11. Have you any regrets in terms of your career?

Not at all. I love my art and teaching, both. I will never tire out of this profession.

12. What advice would you give to an aspiring artist?

Never limit your dreams and your art, go beyond and you’ll be surprised at your own creations.

13. Do you have any works of art you would like to promote here?

In fact, I do have quite a few of my paintings that I would be delighted to showcase, and also be recognized by the readers. I would like to conclude this with a quote:
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” Georgia O’Keeffe

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings

Ketaki Bali- Bangalore best Painter paintings


14. How can one contact you regarding the purchase of one of your masterpieces?

If you love the work that I do, you may contact me on Facebook/Email/or just give me a buzz.
Tel: +91 9880173270

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