The much awaited trailer of Batman Vs Superman scheduled to be released in 2016 is finally out. Directed by Zack Snyder , the one who gave us 300 & Man of…
The Convict
The gate keeper slowly opened the gate as I showed my identity card. My name was clearly mentioned on the card with my occupation. John Isaiah, journalist. The guards slowly…
My 3 Childhood Realities That Came Crashing!
I am very sure all of us must have had some or the other childhood realities which would have come crashing like a pack of cards at some point of…
Luck Around My Wrist
A chance meeting with Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil in a plush Mumbai hotel made me his Rakhi sister and the rest as they say, is “HISTORY”. “Waiting For Godot”, it…
Rest In Violence
As I walked down the moist filled pavement towards my home, some unsolicited thoughts wandered inside me. Her spongy hair that was blind sighting me all through the night. With…
Next Time Will Be the Last “You Damm!!! Prostitutes?” Final Part
Next Time Will Be the Last “You Damm!!! Prostitutes?” Part III “The economic system that pays women lower wages than it pays men actually punishes women for working outside marriage…
In Shoes Of… A Poetess
Nikitha Hingad.. the new poetess has released her new book of poems called “Philia and Sophia”. The book is for die hard romantics with beautifully written, deep and profound poems.…
Best Microbreweries in Bangalore
Bangalore has been brimming with breweries. It has turned into a new fad! Here is a list of the best microbreweries in town. 1. Arbor Brewing Company Image: buzzintown Amazing…
If Movies were Real Life…!
We’re all so fascinated with movies and sometimes, even wish our life were a movie. Honestly, they have to be blamed for making it all so perfect and dreamy most…
What If Batman Was From Chennai? – BRUCEothaman WAYNEkatramana
What if Batman was from Chennai? Watch this funny video. After a list of batman spoofs, here we have our own Indian Spoof of Batman and its none other than…