Merchant Navy to many may be rather an intimidating job due to the risks involved and the stress of being all alone for months together at the sea without family…
Doordarshan Serials From The Past
Right now we have many TV channels and many shows but lack the time to watch them and I don’t think any of the current shows would leave us a…
“The Original Sin.”
Nevertheless that day, the new rising sun looked the same and quiet similar to all other mornings, the birds chirped to wake up from their nests and started to fly…
Role Cloud Plays in HR and Management
Cloud Computing is a means to store and access data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. Cloud has made both the employer’s and the employee’s…
Akash Sagar
Only thing which constantly and endlessly blows all through out one’s life are the – Winds Of Change
An Ignorant Suicide
Puppun was completely heart broken and torn into pieces after the conversation with Laily over the phone. He was wondering, how could she say, ‘Puppun, I am no more in…
Oh! So you are social?
In the words of Vincent Nichols, “We’re losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person’s mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until…
How does social media benefit your company?
Our generation is tech savvy and with the slightest of our needs we prefer visiting ‘The Internet’ which serves as a one stop shop for everything under the sun. Finding…
“An Abortion.”
They finally stopped, post a long climax and fell apart like dead bodies after endless sessions of love making. While, Jude was panting badly, Katrina was lost in his eyes…
A Wife Swapping Affair
An interesting case came up few days ago involving two high profile couples from Bengaluru. The two middle aged married couples met each other at a function and there begins…