A Short film made by animation students from Jain Animation School based on the harsh realities of the current world. Productions – Gadda Productions Written & Directed By – Sanath…
‘What has gotten into you today?’ her friend asked, skeptical if she should be worried. ‘I feel hopeless…Depressed’, Reena could hear her voice from a distance. They were on…
For few of us the school days might be over, but there are few things that happen in school that we can never forget. Especially the dialogues used by our…
Suddenly Pablo Escobar is the talk of the town, thanks to the Netflix original series Narcos, starring Wagner Moura as the druglord Pablo Escobar. Here are a few facts about…
More than 7 Million downloads in just a week and people running around streets looking for Pokemon. Even though the app is not yet available in India, we have seen…
If you’re a movie buff, you would have these themes many times. Here’s bringing some popular re-arrangement of these themes that will make you fall in love with them all…