One day, I was furious and I screamed a loud, “Life, Why did you do this to me?” I expected a silence as usual.
But this Life answered me,” What did I do? “And I was an astonished but then I continued the conversation and
said, “Life why did you make feel great so much and the next moment you shattered me down. Why did you
churn me, crush me into pieces?”
Life was quiet this time. And I heard a wicked laughter from a dark shadow in the corner. It was death and I
recognize it.
Life said the, “You see there, Death is laughing at us. You let death win whenever you are weak, whenever you
are shattered and whenever you gave up. “But don’t you think you are equally responsible for it.” I retorted back.
Death laughed a lot harder and a lot louder this time.
Life said, “It’s not that I want Death to win. I just shake you up sometimes when you are going too slowly and I
stop you when you rush too much. Sometimes I have to push you and lift you up to keep you going. You don’t
understand it. The day you stop and become still like a robot. Death will win.”
And I smiled and Death stopped laughing and disappeared and Life took me over.
Read More – The Hermit – Fear
1 comment
I love the way you’ve presented this information—well done!