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Desi Friends Theme Song
Alcatraz Dey
- Jun 29, 2015
I always had the feeling that lyrics of the song ‘jaane kyun’ from Dostana was inspired by the Friends theme Song. When I saw this desi version on you tube,…
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Suddenly Pablo Escobar is the talk of the town, thanks to the Netflix original series Narcos, starring Wagner Moura as the druglord Pablo Escobar. Here are a few facts about…
Why Stephanie Ann Married a Rich Guy? A Relatable Tale..
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‘It’s impossible’, Stephanie thought. ‘How can I ever outdo the ‘know it all guy’ who does everything better than me.’ She glared at the man- her opponent, colleague, comrade, as he…
Do you know your strengths? Find out here
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15 Interesting Facts About Sleep… Bet You Didn’t Know Most Of Them
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The World Sleep Day (Friday of the second week of March) is an annual event that has been organised by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Association of Sleep Medicine since 2008.…
Thor:Ragnarok the new trailer is out!!
Walking Dead
- Jul 23, 2017
Are you ready for more Thor? The first trailer for Thor:Ragnarok is something you would never forget, the second trailer debuted at Comic Con this saturday. The trailer makes it…