If you are an independent, ambitious woman… you will identify with these 11 signs.
1. You start thinking practically
So you want to buy a new lipstick or that dress that’s been luring you from the window of that showroom… You don’t have to look to your side and ask your boyfriend or husband to buy it. You want to be able to get into the store and flash that card and come out with everything you wanted, with your head held high.
2. Next time you are on a date with a guy you go dutch
You’re not someone who wants a guy to pay for you. You are very well capable of paying ur way through.
3. You surround yourself with people who are equally or more motivated than you are
Yes, as harsh as it may sound.. you make do with people who are dragging you down. The only way to soar is by dropping excess baggage.
4. You are assertive but never let it get to your head
You stay humble wherever you need to. It’s most important. You can never walk ahead with your head in the air without tripping down into a clumsy fall. (You try hard not to be like Kanye West).
5. You treat every experience as a learning
Learn learn learn.. That’s how you grow isn’t it.
6. You treat other women with respect
Every other woman is not your rival… Other women doing well or trying to do well are also fighting the male dominated world just like you and you know that. You are all in this together.
7. You don’t need a man to make you feel complete or make your dreams come true
You are complete. You are aware that no matter what the world says, a partner will always be a partner. He can never be a permanent part of you.
8. You know when to put your feet down
You are not afraid to voice out your opinions and are definitely capable of taking a stand for yourself and not being a pushover.
9. You know when to leave and you are comfortable leaving
You leave when you realise you are not being valued. When you know your worth, no one, mind you… NO ONE can make you feel worthless.
10. You know the world is yours to grab
You know the laws of attraction and you have learnt to ask the universe for what you want. And most often than not, you get what you have asked for when you show the perseverance.
11. You don’t think that your ultimate aim in life is to get married and make babies
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