The boy leaned back to the trunk, watching the night darkening the sky, counting the stars as they began to appear one after another. He sighed. “I wish you were…
Alzador- Chapter 2
Also Read Alzador Chapter 1 Sometimes, transferring emotions takes its tolls on me. Losing hours of my life every time I make someone more self sufficient might seem satisfying. But,…
An Interesting Day At Starbucks
‘I’ll take a latte’ said the girl with long silky straight hair. The kind of hair I wish I had (Yes, I look at other women and their attributes and most of…
Alzador- Chapter 1
I run sometimes, from myself and at times from reality. I am too good a runner and hence even if I don’t intend to, everyone is left behind. I am…
Strictly For The Troubled Unicorn Chasers
Of late despondency has been a constant companion to me. You may wonder why I opened with that statement? Okay.. so as usual I was depressed again (It’s becoming a…
Bugatti Chiron – World’s Fastest Car
Get your first look at the Bugatti Chiron – World’s fastest car. Car fanatics are drooling all over the place and even a non enthusiast like me finds it totally drool worthy……
Raspberry Pi 3 B Is Out- And It’s Just $35
What is Raspberry Pi 3 B? For people who don’t know about Raspberry Pi, here is an introduction. Last leap year, that is on 29th Feb 2012, a ground breaking product…
Captain America: Civil War – Trailer 2 With Spiderman
You will be stunned at the entry of the world’s favorite superhero in the new Captain America movie
8 Things You Would Do When Meeting Your Long Distance Boyfriend
Long Distance Relationships is all about Skype calls/Whatsapp Messages/Facetime etc. and when finally it’s time to meet, its like a special occasion, a festival even. Here are 8 things you would do if…
Jackie Chan’s Fight With Bruce Lee
Little late to post it here, but I can bet many did not know about this. When Jackie Chan was young performer he acted alongside Bruce Lee in the movie…